Architectural Medicine Book Announcement

UPDATE: November 11, 2020 Pre-Order now available! In order to include content focused on COVID19 topics, we’re setting the Architectural Medicine book publishing date for December 2020. — We’re happy to announce that the first Architectural Medicine book will be published in December of 2020! The new book titled “Architectural Medicine: Building the Bridge to…

Architectural Medicine – Why not Call it Healthy Building?

Why not Call it Healthy Building? Since Architectural Medicine has been in existence, there have been some questions as to the naming of Architectural Medicine, and questions as to why it’s not just called Healthy Building. This is an excellent question, and this article discusses this from our perspective. As the topics of Health in…

USGBC premieres human health podcast “Built for Health”

From the USGBC website: USGBC’s new podcast series, “Built for Health,” explores the various impacts the built environment has on human health. The series is hosted by former Schneider Fellow Flavia Grey, a PhD candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University. With a focus on the dynamic interaction between occupant well-being and building sustainability,…

Bill Davenhall’s TED talk-Your health depends on where you live

Bill Davenhall’s TED talk-Your health depends on where you live Where you live: It impacts your health as much as diet and genes do, but it’s not part of your medical records. At TEDMED, Bill Davenhall shows how overlooked government geo-data (from local heart-attack rates to toxic dumpsite info) can mesh with mobile GPS apps…

On Health and Architecture – Ben van Berkel

On Health and Architecture – Ben van Berkel   In this talk, Ben van Berkel asks the question, “How can Architecture affect our health on multiple levels?” He discusses the importance of Architecture and its overall impact on three levels on Physical, Social and Psychological Health.   From Youtube Description: Architects need to answer the changing…

Architecture and the Science of the Senses – Stefan Behling

Architecture and the Science of the Senses – Stefan Behling “As an architect you have an amazing opportunity to change people’s lives. That is one of the great side effects of this job. You can truly make a difference.” – Stefan Behling “The flip side of that is a pretty big responsibility because whatever we do is…

Bringing Back Emotion and Intimacy in Architecture – Adrian Bica

Bringing Back Emotion and Intimacy in Architecture – Adrian Bica Consider these three topics in this great talk about Architecture as an emotional experience with Adrian Bica: Architecture as a Story Architecture as an Emotional Relationship Architecture as Crafted Art from the Youtube Description: In his talk, Adrian argues that the world we are designing…

Doctor as Designer – Dr. Joyce Lee

Physician, Designer, and Researcher, and the Robert P. Kelch, MD, Research Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan. I create learning health systems using the methods of clinical informatics, quality improvement, and patient-centered participatory design. I study online communities, patient innovation, and health applications of emerging technologies (mobile technology and social media). My work supports the…

Design that Heals Documentary – MASS Design Group and GHESKIO

Design that Heals Documentary – MASS Design Group and GHESKIO From the MASS website: Dr. Jean-William Pape, Haitian infectious disease specialist and Director and Founder of Les Centres GHESKIO, has dedicated his career to combating diarrheal diseases that harm and kill Haiti’s poor. This documentary tells the story how GHESKIO and MASS Design Group…

Architecture that’s built to heal: Michael Murphy TED Talk

Architecture that’s built to heal: Michael Murphy TED Talk Overview from the website: Architecture is more than a clever arrangement of bricks. In this eloquent talk, Michael Murphy shows how he and his team look far beyond the blueprint when they’re designing. Considering factors from airflow to light, theirs is a holistic approach…