ARxMD Lite App – Available for Download

You can now download the ARxMD-Lite app on the Apple and Google Play stores. Click the link below to download for your platform:



for the
General Public

Click for more information for the general public to explore the design and development of the built environment for optimal human health and wellness…

Info for Architecture-AEC

for Architects &
Building Professionals

Click for more information for the AEC fields and the process of designing and developing for optimal human health and wellness related to the built environment…

Architectural Medicine-Information for Doctors-Health-professionals

for Doctors &
Health Professionals

Click for more information for Health Professionals striving to evaluate and provide best solutions for healing and wellness related to the built environment…

What Is an Architectural Doctor?

Click below for more information about the role of the Architectural Doctor…

What Is an
Architectural Doctor?

Click for more information about the Architectural Doctor to explore the topics of optimal health and wellness related to the built environment.

What Is a Healthy Building Inspector?

Click below for more information about the role of the Healthy Building Inspector…

What Is a
Healthy Building Inspector?

Click for more information about the Healthy Building Inspector and the Healthy Building Inspection. Inspectors explore the topics of optimal health and wellness related to the built environment.

Introducing the Architectural Medicine System (AMS)

Click below for more information about the Architectural Medicine System (AMS) and the topics of optimal health and wellness related to the built environment.

Introducing the
Architectural Medicine System (AMS)

Click to view the Architectural Medicine FlowChart and information about the Architectural Medicine System (AMS) and the topics of optimal health and wellness related to the built environment. Includes the topics of the Architectural Doctor, the Healthy Building Inspector and the ARxMD processes and protocols.

What is ARxMD – the Architectural Medicine Software Solution?

Click below for more information about the Architectural Medicine Software Solution (ARxMD) and the topics of health related to the built environment…

What is the
Architectural Medicine Software Solution – ARxMD?

Click to view information about the Architectural Medicine Software Solution (ARxMD) and the topics of health related to the built environment. Includes the processes of the Architectural Doctor, the Healthy Building Inspector, and the ARxMD protocols using the Architectural Medicine System (AMS).

The Pulse of the Healthy Built Environment

Latest Articles and News:

Digital Twins, Smart Building Sensors, and Health in Buildings

Digital Twins, Smart Building Sensors, and Health in Buildings This Is Part I of a Two-Part Series Overview – Read Time 5-7 Minutes: In this article, the topics of building sensors (Smart Buildings) and Digital Twins will be discussed relative to occupant health in buildings.   Post-pandemic, there is certainly one aspect of buildings that almost…

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The Architectural Doctor Book Announcement

Announcing The Architectural Doctor Book We’re happy to announce the Architectural Doctor book will be published in November 2022! What is an Architectural Doctor? What is the Architectural Medicine System (AMS)? What is the ARxMD — Architectural Medicine Software Solution? What is the purpose of a Healthy Building Inspector? All these topics are discussed in…

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Architectural Medicine Book Announcement

UPDATE: November 11, 2020 Pre-Order now available! In order to include content focused on COVID19 topics, we’re setting the Architectural Medicine book publishing date for December 2020. — We’re happy to announce that the first Architectural Medicine book will be published in December of 2020! The new book titled “Architectural Medicine: Building the Bridge to…

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About Architectural Medicine:

Perhaps the two words “Architecture” and “Medicine” next to each other is a new concept, yet the goal of this website is to discuss how these two fields have a potential to overlap for a better built environment to live and work in.

The fields of Architecture and Medicine have changed quite a bit in the past fifty years, and while there have been many beneficial developments in each of these very large fields, there are still gaps relative to health in the built environment.

These topics also include the increasingly important issues of building energy use and the impact on the ecology in terms of a more sustainable future.

“Building” the Bridge to Wellness

While there are great developments occurring in each profession, from green building, environmental psychology and building science in Architecture, to integrative medicine, evidence based design and environmental health in Medicine, these fields continue to be increasingly complex with many facets within each field.

The intent of Architectural Medicine is to help integrate these various fields for the General Public, as well as the overall fields of Architecture and Medicine. A main goal is to help define these various fields and to participate in creating bridges between these fields in how they might all fit together.

In this way, the average person as the General Public can feel empowered to make best decisions for themselves, their families and the future. Yet it’s also important to recognize that the professionals in these fields also deserve to have an integrated approach so they are able to address client and patient issues, and to utilize best practices towards health, healing and wellness.

Can Architecture Be Healing?

The impact that the built environment has on human health and well being is becoming a topic of increasing study, interest and recognition. Both the Medical fields and the many fields connected to Architecture are learning of this influence on human health in their research. As these fields continue to develop, there becomes an increasing need for these many fields to connect these “dots” of their research for the benefit of both the professions involved in the built environment and health, as well as the general public who is influenced and affected by the built environment.

Architectural Medicine works to connect these dots to provide updates on the latest information related to these various fields, and to help build bridges for a healthier, greener and a more sustainable built environment.

We have chosen to discuss this topic with the simple question, “Can Architecture Be Healing?”

Quotes connecting the fields of Architecture and Medicine