What is Building Science?

1. Overview of the Topic – Summary:

From Wikipedia: Building science is the collection of scientific knowledge that focuses on the analysis of the physical phenomena affecting buildings. Building physics, architectural science and applied physics are terms used for the knowledge domain that overlaps with building science.

Building science traditionally includes the study of indoor thermal environment, indoor acoustic environment, indoor light environment, indoor air quality, and building resource use, including energy and building material use.[1] 

2. What is the focus of this Topic?:

From Wikipedia: These areas (see statement above) are studied in terms of physical principles, relationship to building occupant health, comfort, and productivity, and how they can be controlled by the building envelope and electrical and mechanical systems.[2] 

3. Why it’s listed here – What is the relevance to Architectural Medicine?

A statement on wikipedia states, “The practical purpose of building science is to provide predictive capability to optimize the building performance and sustainability of new and existing buildings, understand or prevent building failures, and guide the design of new techniques and technologies.”

As such, the premise of using optimal methodologies for building performance and sustainability combined with building physics focused on ecological and biological health can support overall human well being. The processes of building science can both prevent toxic building health issues such as molds and lack of clean air, yet can also provide efficient methodologies for energy utilization. 

4. Common groups and individuals involved with this topic:

There are many organizations that support building science and building physics as a whole. The Building Science Corporation with principal Joseph Lstiburek, has been a leader in this emerging field.

5. Resources: